Free latex outfit
Made for Foxipaws'Kyoko. Textured in substance painter
Could work for any avatar I guess but would require a fair bit of sculpting!
Adding this to Kyoko will require blender! I do not do vrcfury prefabs and you'll have to set up some shape keys or UV discard for this to fit as it's tighter than her default body.
32670 triangles
3 materials (corset + collar, gloves & bodysuit)
This uses no extra bones
All 3 materials come with base color, height, metallic, normal (directx & opengl), roughness, AO and metallicsmoothness maps exported at 2k resolution.
Included are also seperate masks for the red colored bits, the belts and black latex parts for your unity convenience <3
The suit has shape keys to turn the corset, collar and gloves off as well as a shape key that increases the tightness of the corset.
You are of course welcome to use this on any type of avatar; free, commercial, nitro and public <3
Wireframe pic at the end